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Interactive Pagination System

Sleight-of-Hand, our interactive pagination program, is a natural extension to Yellow Magic, our directory publishing system. Directory production starts with Yellow Magic, where, you literally create each individual component of your yellow pages, including the listings, in-column items, display ad fillers, and in-column fillers. When all the yellow page components are complete, pass them on in galley format to Sleight-of-Hand,and place your display ads and filler to create the finished yellow pages.

Having an interactive pagination program that works with your yellow page system is not only efficient—it's essential. Using Sleight-of-Hand you can produce approximately 250–350 finished yellow pages in a regular 8-hour shift. (And that's just for beginners! Experienced operators have completed more than 1000 or more pages in a single day!) When the last ad is positioned and the final listing is proofed, use Sleight-of-Hand to create your color separations and to create output files that are ready for an imposition program (your printing company will love this).

Sleight-of-Hand is a true electronic paste-up table. When you open a book for pagination in Sleight-of-Hand, the center of your screen is automatically filled with the first set of left and right yellow pages. Each page displays the galley columns and initially includes the galley listings, which are temporarily removed from a page when you position the first display item. The four page components—display advertisements, display fillers, in-column fillers, and galley listings—are stored within data windows. You control the placement of all display ads and display fillers on a page and, at your command, Sleight-of-Hand automatically flows the galleys around the newly positioned items, inserting in-column fillers when necessary.

Sleight-of-Hand includes many user-friendly features that make paging a painless process. The display ads, for example, appear in the Display Advertisements window by heading in the paging sequence established by your company. (Paging priorities, created in Yellow Magic, are determined by you based on the size of the ad, the seniority date, or the alphabetical sequence of the finding line.) During the paging process, an item is selected from its window with the click of the mouse and moved onto a page by clicking again on the correct page position. Following these steps, the item is removed from its window (which guarantees that you cannot duplicate or forget any of your advertisements) and positioned on the page. That's it. Just two simple steps

Sleight-of-Hand is "yellow pages smart." You establish the dimensions of the display ads and Sleight-of-Hand divides the pages into quadrants, ensuring that each and every ad is correctly placed and will not extend into a gutter or margin. When an ad is too big or too small for the reserved space (which sometimes happens) the program automatically sizes the artwork to fit in the space. And there's more! The program automatically creates telltales, page numbers, and continuation messages. Did we mention that your anchor listings include page numbers? Sleight-of-Hand removes the guesswork and increases your productivity.

Learning Sleight-of-Hand is easy. The program applies the same interface standards established by Microsoft Windows. Even if you've never touched a mouse or used a window, our program won't intimidate you. Numerous dialog boxes are presented to guide you step--by--step as you operate the program. It literally could not be easier.

What are you waiting for? You have to see Sleight-of-Hand  in action to truly understand the Magic.

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