Proof Magic
Online Ad Proofing

Ad Approval Process Simplified

ProofMagic is an ad approval workflow management too
that will take your JPEG proof files and publish them for
approval status on an advertiser-specific web page.

Post your proofs of your Yellow and White page listings,
Display Ads, White Page Banners, Internet Banners,
etc...on your ProofMagic website.  The System sends
initial e-mail notifications to each of your advertisers and
provides a message and link requesting that they view
their proof(s) for Approval or allows the customer to
further indicate why it wasn't approved.

Yellow Proof

How it Works:

Ads are placed in a Proof Folder
Ads and in-column listings are autotimatically uploaded to a website
An e-mail is automatically sent to the advertiser with a web page link
An e-mail is issued to the Graphic Artist
If a revision is needed, the process repeats again.
Once approved, each ad is moved into the book.

White proof

ProofMagic Benefits - Paperless Ad Approval!

Save Money - A Paperless Solution
  • No Postage
  • No Envelop
  • No Toner
  • No Paper
  Laptop Online PM

Save Time!
  • No Waiting for the Printer
  • No Envelope Stuffing
  • No Paper to File
  • No Manual e-Mailing

Speed Production
  • No Snail Mail
  • Quicker Turnaround
  • Quicker Ad Approval
Loading Your Proofs

After you have loaded your proofs to your ProofMagic website, each customer account can be viewed and managed on line by accessing each Account Information page and viewing your White page, Yellow page and Ad proofs!

Yellow Proof Upload
Initial e-mail notifications are sent out to each advertiser
requesting approval of each proof.
Account Proof Summary

After the cusotmer reviews the proofs, if changes are
required, a new e-mail is sent back to the Publisher
with the edit requests and the Account Proof
Summary status page is updated.

Account Proof Summary
The Publisher receives an e-mail notification and a link to
the Account page...and replies back to the customer for
Final Approval!

Go Paperless Today with ProofMagic!
YM Logo
Yellow Magic Incorporated
41571 Date Street
Murrieta, CA  92562   USA
+1 [951] 506-4005  Telephone
+1 [951] 505-1919  Fax

E-Mail:  [email protected]